A Culture of Care: Alpha's CEO on The Recipe For a Successful Business, Part 3

You already know your organization is so much more than where you make your living. It’s important to cultivate a working environment where your employees can thrive and where you can build strong relationships with your customers that go beyond ordinary transactions. But no less important to creating a culture of care is something many business owners overlook: your legacy!

Part III: Care for your Legacy
Profitability is important. Strategy is important. Making shareholders happy is important. But what are you leaving behind when you die? You certainly won’t wish you had worked more. You will want to be remembered for what you did for others and how your business helped others be better. What will your legacy be? The way you treated your team, your customers, your suppliers, and your reputation in the community can be remembered for years to come and in a positive way. Begin with the end in mind. 

Leaders who care about their legacy:
  • Look for ways to be of service to their community. Encourage your team to volunteer or support your community. Lead by example!
  • Make a difference by supporting charitable causes. Not just any cause. Find ways to impact people’s lives that align with the values of your team and their aspirations.
  • Build a culture of care, respect and kindness. Ultimately, we are stewards of the leadership positions we have. It is a sacred privilege and responsibility. Own it. Live it. Know your why!
"Carve your name on hearts, not on marble."
—Charles H. Spurgeon